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 Content of 2008 Scripting Games Advanced VBScript Event 5.vbs
MD5 Hash: 6E15B859E5C223F4BA16884D0F36F1F2
' This is my Solution for the Scripting Games 2008
' For more Information look at
' http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/funzone/games/games08.mspx

Option Explicit

Dim ofso : Set ofso = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8

Dim strParamter
Dim ArgArray, ArrayElement
Dim iPwdScore : iPwdScore = 13

Call GetArguments(ArgArray)
If IsArray(ArgArray) then

For Each ArrayElement In ArgArray
strParamter = strParamter & ArrayElement

End if

if strParamter > "" then Call Main()

' ---------------------------------------
Sub Main()


End Sub

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function ReadFileToArray(strFile)

Dim strNextLine, arrstrList
Dim arrLines()
Dim iCount : iCount = 0

If ofso.FileExists(strFile) then

Dim oFile : Set oFile = ofso.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForReading)

Do Until oFile.AtEndOfStream

Redim Preserve arrLines(iCount)
arrLines(iCount) = oFile.ReadLine
iCount = iCount + 1



End if

Set oFile = nothing

If IsArray(arrLines) then ReadFileToArray = arrLines

End Function

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function CheckPWD(strPWD)

Dim arrWords, iCount, iRet,iCount2
Dim PWD_OK : PWD_OK = true
Dim lMultiple : lMultiple = false
Dim uMultiple : uMultiple = false
Dim bDuplicate : bDuplicate = false
Dim sDuplicate
Dim iX_1 : iX_1 = false
Dim iX_2 : iX_2 = false
Dim iX_3 : iX_3 = false
Dim iX_4 : iX_4 = false
Dim iX_5 : iX_5 = false

arrWords = ReadFileToArray("C:\Scripts\wordlist.txt")

If IsArray(arrWords) then

For iCount = 0 to UBound(arrWords)

If arrWords(iCount) = strPWD then
iX_1 = true
End if

If arrWords(iCount) = Left(strPWD,Len(strPWD)-1) then
iX_2 = true
End if

If arrWords(iCount) = Right(strPWD,Len(strPWD)-1) then
iX_3 = true
End if

if Instr(1, strPWD, "0", 1) > 0 then
If GetReplacedWord(strPWD,"0","o") = arrWords(iCount) or _
GetReplacedWord(strPWD,"0","O") = arrWords(iCount) then
iX_4 = true
End if
End if

if Instr(1, strPWD, "1", 1) > 0 then
If GetReplacedWord(strPWD,"1","l") = arrWords(iCount) or _
GetReplacedWord(strPWD,"1","L") = arrWords(iCount) then
iX_5 = true
End if
End if


End if

If iX_1 = true then
wscript.echo "The password is an actual word."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

If iX_2 = true then
wscript.echo "The password minus the last letter is an actual word."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

If iX_3 = true then
wscript.echo "The password minus the first letter is an actual word."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

If iX_4 = true then
wscript.echo _
"The password is an actual word. In the case of substitute 0 (zero) for the letter O."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

If iX_5 = true then
wscript.echo _
"The password is an actual word. In the case of substitute 1 (one) for the letter L."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

If Len(strPWD) < 10 or Len(strPWD) > 20 then

wscript.echo "The password length is less 10 letters or larger 20 letters."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

if instrCheck("[0-9]", strPWD) = false then

wscript.echo "The password does not include a number."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

if instrCheck("[A-Z]", strPWD) = false then

wscript.echo "The password does not include a uppercase letter."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

if instrCheck("[a-z]", strPWD) = false then

wscript.echo "The password does not include a lowercase letter."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

if instrCheck("[^A-Za-z0-9]", strPWD) = false then

wscript.echo "The password does not include a symbol."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

For iCount = 1 to Len(strPWD) -3

if instrCount("[A-Z]", Mid(strPWD,iCount,4)) = 4 then
uMultiple = true
End if

if instrCount("[a-z]", Mid(strPWD,iCount,4)) = 4 then
lMultiple = true
End if


For iCount = 1 to Len(strPWD)

For iCount2 = iCount to Len(strPWD) -1

sDuplicate = Mid(strPWD,iCount,1)

if sDuplicate = Mid(strPWD,iCount2 +1,1) then

bDuplicate = true
Exit For
End if


if lMultiple = true then

wscript.echo "Four consecutive lowercase letters in password."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

if uMultiple = true then

wscript.echo "Four consecutive uppercase letters in password."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

if bDuplicate = true then

wscript.echo "Duplicate letters in password."
iPwdScore = iPwdScore -1
End if

Select Case iPwdScore

Case 0,1,2,3,4,5,6

wscript.echo VbCrLf & "A password score of " & iPwdScore & " indicates a weak password."

Case 7,8,9,10

wscript.echo VbCrLf & "A password score of " & iPwdScore & " indicates a moderately-strong password."

Case 11,12,13

wscript.echo VbCrLf & "A password score of " & iPwdScore & " indicates a strong password."

End Select

End Function

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function GetReplacedWord(strPWD,strPrimLetter,strReplaceLetter)

Dim strAlternatePWD
strAlternatePWD = Replace(strPWD, strPrimLetter, strReplaceLetter, 1, -1, 1)
GetReplacedWord = strAlternatePWD

End Function

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function instrCheck(strPattern, strSearch)

Dim oRegEx : Set oRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

Dim colMatches, strMatch
oRegEx.Global = True
oRegEx.Pattern = strPattern

Set colMatches = oRegEx.Execute(strSearch)

If colMatches.Count > 0 Then
instrCheck = true
instrCheck = false
End if

End Function

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function instrCount(strPattern, strSearch)

Dim oRegEx : Set oRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

Dim colMatches, strMatch
oRegEx.Global = True
oRegEx.Pattern = strPattern

Set colMatches = oRegEx.Execute(strSearch)

If colMatches.Count > 0 Then
instrCount = colMatches.Count
instrCount = 0
End if

End Function

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function GetArguments(SourceArray)

Dim iCount : iCount = 0
Dim Argument

If wscript.arguments.count > 0 then

ReDim ArgArray(wscript.arguments.count -1)

For Each Argument in wscript.arguments

ArgArray(iCount) = Argument
iCount = iCount +1

iCount = Null
GetArguments = ArgArray

End if

End Function

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